Dear Sarge...
Crusty old Army NCO answers questions & dispenses advice,
both wanted & unwanted.
The Dear Sarge Empire
Who is this asshole anyway?
Sarge, a barrel-chested beast of truth, conspiracy, and comedy, is what happens when you mix the raw energy of Ted Nugent with the legal acumen of a courtroom jester. Imagine a scuffed, sledgehammer-wielding maestro, belting out life's absurdities while strutting through a world that's too bland for his taste. He's the kind of guy who'd trust a lit cigarette over a fuel pump for safety advice and prefers his medical check-ups where they treat animals, because let's face it, he's a majestic creature of the wild—unfiltered, unabashedly real, and with a bark that's backed by an even mightier bite. Sarge is the living embodiment of old-school cool, a throwback to 1975 when style meant matching your belt to your shoes, and presence meant not having to say a word to command a room. He's the ultimate wingman and battle buddy, ready to fight by your side, only to school you with tough love afterwards. In a world of half-measures, Sarge is the full dose of unadulterated, flag-waving, ass-kicking reality, keeping it 100% real in the most unapologetically patriotic way.
Sarge isn't just a man; he's a walking, talking, beer-drinking revolution.
Fuck You Dan.
The video that crushed Rumble.
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The Dear Sarge Empire
Take A Look Around
You definitely won't find Sarge on the FacialBook, TikCok, or InstaGasm, but many other platforms.
Yes, this asshole has friends. Just no liberal fucktards. Liberal fucktards, go away. This is a No Commie Zone.
Hopefully you are a Freedom-loving Sick Fuck or even an S.M.F.! If you're viewing this site because you're some Fascist Bully-boy Fed, please 1) tell your two dads I hope they catch a nasty strain of Pride Pox, 2) after you finish wiping your ass with the U.S. Constitution, go fuck yourself, 3) get another booster shot of Fauci-sauce since you're still breathing! Check it out HERE.
Freedom of Speech AND Free Enterprise are some of the finest things about America! Please check out these fine Patriots selling seeds, soap, swag, and more!
Hey! Quit dickin' the chicken!